Peace in the Middle East is a current focus of APEC. Watch the video above for our recent event urging Senator Kaine to do more to stop the genocide. Join in the campaign by emailing [email protected]
APEC Working Groups
Peaceful Planet committeenuclear resistance campaign![]() APEC is actively working to stop a project for making bomb-grade Uranium at Nuclear Fuel Services (NFS) in Erwin, TN. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will decide as soon as October 2023 whether or not to issue the license amendment.
Democracy Thwarted Erwin Citizens Awareness Network (ECAN) petitioned the NRC for a Public Hearing. But the NRC's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board not only ruled against ECAN before the public comment period ended, it also failed to consider a single public comment. This was evidenced by the NRC leaking their draft decision to deny a Public Hearing before the first public comment was logged. This decision led the community to host a People's Hearing on March 26. Contaminated Water 95 river miles downstream from NFS, enriched uranium poisons the Nolichucky River*. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has reported that NFS poured 250 pounds of enriched uranium into the Nolichucky per year. Public Health Concerns The Department of Energy estimated a 1 out of 71 increased annual risk of cancer death due to NFS down blending of Highly Enriched Uranium to Low-Enriched Uranium*. NFS has compared the proposed process to down blending*. No Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement has been produced by NFS or NRC to research and publish the environmental and health impacts. Nuclear Arms Race Over 360 million people would die quickly in a nuclear war between the US and Russia with even more deaths in following years. Building more nuclear bombs makes us less safe*. Regulatory Capture The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has the responsibility of the public interest but instead is corrupted by the interest of the industry. This new process is a corporate handout of $67.5 Million of our taxpayer dollars for unnecessary and unethical nuclear bombs material. nuclear resistance campaign references*See below for more information
*NFS Response to NRC Request for Additional Information *www.southernstudies/images/sitepieces/ketterer_uranium_report.pdf
*"Little Progress Made at Nuclear Plant" Atlantic Journal-Constitution Nov. 29, 1981 *2007 Supplemental Analysis on the "Disposition of Surplus Highly Enriched Uranium", Department of Energy * Calculations based on 4.4 thousand 100-kiloton nuclear warheads * Contact the NRC |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration committeeRead about the 2025 MLK Event
WCYB Article Contact: Buckey Boone - [email protected] 39th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. 2026 CALENDAR OF EVENTS ABINGDON, VA Saturday, January 17, 2026 Charles Wesley UMC, 322 East Main Street MARCH on Main Street to Abingdon UMC Gather at sing at 1:00pm March begins at 1:30pm MLK Celebration Program at Abingdon UMC Program begins at 2:00pm Reception follows Celebration in Fellowship Hall |
appalachian peace education center
APEC is an independent, non-profit organization,
not affiliated with any church or other organization.
Copyright 2019